Tag: Performance

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Cloud computing is a model for empowering users to access a useful, network-accessible, shared pool of resources that allows for quick changes to settings and configurations with minimal intervention from a service provider in an easy-to-maneuver self-service management interface.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes



In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure VMware ESXi. The majority of VMware cloud product installations are targeting experienced Linux or Windows administrators. However, we will try to simplify the process as much as possible. If you are new to hypervisors like ESXi or VMware vSphere, this guide might be right for you! Let’s start by reviewing what ESXi is.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
Time Series Database 1


We might be unaware of this fact, but we use time series databases all the time. They will become even more relevant as the Internet of Things (IoT) and other revolutionary technologies continue to develop. In this article, we will review what a time series database is, what its purpose, and their impact on our daily lives.

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Reading Time: 13 minutes


In this second tutorial on server load, we outline the steps that should be taken when investigating where server load originates and what may be causing your server to become overloaded. As noted in Part 1 of our series, excessive use of any apps or services can typically cause load issues. Here are the four main areas of concern:

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Reading Time: 7 minutes


In this two-part series, we outline the steps to take when investigating where server load originates or causing your server to become overloaded. When running a server that hosts multiple websites, high load issues often crop up. To find out how and why this occurs, read on. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
Multiple Clouds

If you have been in the hosting industry for some time, you most likely had to upgrade your hosting package or resize your server at some point. As your business grows, so do the resources needed to run that business. Over the years, someone has most likely recommended a private cloud solution to you. You probably asked yourself why you would need a more expensive private solution like VMware cloud when you have a powerful VPS server or Dedicated server that is perfectly capable of handling your existing traffic.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
cloud computing projects

What is a Project?

A project is a group of virtual machines, servers, and online assets such as domain registration that work together to deliver your business online. These cloud computing based servers work in tandem to ensure that your website and applications are always online, regardless of operating your business on a dedicated, VPS, or cloud environment.

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Reading Time: 13 minutes

What is ClickHouse?


ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented DBMS (or database management system) primarily used for OLAP (or the Online Analytical Processing of queries). It is capable of blazing fast generation of real-time analytical data and reporting utilizing SQL queries. It is fault tolerant, scalable, highly reliable and contains a feature rich tool set.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Liquid Web’s new Cloud Platform is an environment designed with website uptime, ease of use, and scalability in mind. It combines the easy-to-use cPanel-based environment with a Load Balancing solution. It can be adjusted to suit your specific online needs. This platform is also included in our Fully Managed Support. Experienced webmasters or developers can opt for our Core-Managed environment, using the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP). 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes
A Mysql Indexing Logo

Throughout this tutorial, we will cover some of the fundamentals of indexing. As part of the MySQL series, we will introduce capabilities of MySQL indexing and the role it plays in optimizing database performance. Liquid Web recommends consulting with a DBA before making any changes to your production level application.

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