Tag: Logs

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this article, we discuss Windows logging, using the event viewer, and the windows log storage locations.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes
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Let’s face it. At some point, while running your WordPress site, you will run into issues and errors and may ultimately have to ask yourself, How Do I Fix My WordPress Site?

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the nice things about cPanel-based servers is the way that they keep the location of key files in the same place across all the various cPanel versions.  Due to this consistency one always knows where to look for logs files for all services running on a cPanel server.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Logstash?

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Logstash is a free, open source, server-side data collection and processing engine which uses dynamic pipelining capabilities. It takes in information from multiple data sources, reconstructs it, and then sends it to a destination of our choice. Logstash also cleans and modifies the data for use in an advanced outbound analytics and visualization use cases. It is the L in the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) and is typically responsible for sending data to Elasticsearch.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
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Taiga is a free, open-source project management system. The back end consists of an API written in Python3 and Django, and the front end is written in AngularJS and CoffeeScript. Taiga can manage simple and complex projects, and also monitors the progress of a project. Taiga maintains logs that are displayed in the form of a worklist with all the functions and user stories added to the project. 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Graylog Sidecar?

Graylog Sidecar is a nimble configuration management framework for various log collectors called backends. The Graylog master node acts as a centrally located hub that contains the configurations of the log collectors. Sidecar can run as a service on both Windows and Linux servers.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes
  1. Best Practices for Security on Your New Ubuntu Server: Users, Console and Firewall
  2. Best Practices for Security on Your New Ubuntu Server
  3. How Do I Secure My Linux Server?

Thank you for taking the time to review this important information. You will find this guide broken down into six major sections that coincide with Ubuntu’s security policy guide. The major topics we talk on throughout these articles are as follows:

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Logwatch is a Perl-based log management tool for analyzing, summarizing, and reporting on a server’s log files. It is most often used to send a short digest of a server’s log activity to a system administrator.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Logwatch is a Perl-based log management tool for analyzing, summarizing, and reporting on a server’s log files. It is most often used to send a short digest of server’s log activity to a system administrator.

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