Tag: IIS

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Introduction - WPSiteSync

Windows Active DIrectory

This article will discuss the importance of Active Directory (AD), along with what it is, what it does, installation, and configuration. We must state in advance that there have been entire books written about AD. While we will touch on the significant aspects of its functionality, more in-depth information can be found online.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is ArangoDB?

ArangoDB is a high availability and scalable multi-model NoSQL database that natively works with graphs and documents and includes a full-text search. It is a free, open-source software developed and maintained by ArangoDB GmbH. The system supports three different data models with one database core and includes a unified query language called AQL (ArangoDB Query Language). This query language is declarative and allows the combination of different data access patterns in a single query. The software can be implemented on multiple systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Kubernetes, Docker, and on our Managed Cloud. It has a strong community support base on GitHub, StackOverflow, Google Groups, and Slack. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

By default, Plesk typically stores backups on the server. This can, however, present a risk if the hard drive or RAID fails on the server. If this ever occurs, you can possibly lose both data and your backups. To avoid this situation, Liquid Web recommends storing additional backups in a remote storage location.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is the easiest and most common method for managing a Windows server. Included in all versions of Windows server and has a built-in client on all Windows desktops. There are also free applications available for Macintosh and Linux based desktops. Unfortunately, because it is so widely used, RDP is also the target of a large number of brute force attacks on the server. Malicious users will use compromised computers to attempt to connect to your server using RDP. Even if the attack is unsuccessful in guessing your administrator password, just the flood of attempted connections can cause instability and other performance issues on your server. Fortunately, there are some approaches you can use to minimize your exposure to these types of attacks.

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How to Install Apache on a Windows Server

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

When looking to host websites or services from a Windows server, there are several options to consider. It is worth reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of each server type to determine which one is most likely to meet your particular needs before you spend the time installing and configuring a web service.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

The most common way to remotely manage a Windows server is through Remote Desktop Protocol. By default, Liquid Web’s Windows servers only allow the members of the administrators' group remote desktop access. However, the Remote Desktop Users group grants its members access to securely connect to the server through RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) as well.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Python is a powerful programming language that is scalable and uses code that is readable and clear for all types of projects. Python is also available across a number of operating systems, making it a popular choice for developers. If you are using Python on your Windows operating system, you may need to adjust your System Environment Variables to simplify utilizing Python on your server. In this article, we will demonstrate how to add Python path to windows 10.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pip is one of the best tools to install and manage Python packages. Pip has earned its fame by the number of applications using this tool. Used for its capabilities in handling binary packages over the easily installed package manager, Pip enables 3rd party package installations. Though the newest versions of Python come with pip installed as a default, this tutorial will show how to install Pip, check its version, and show some basic commands for its use. Watch the video below or review the following article for additional instructions.

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How to Upgrade PHP on Windows

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Performing an upgrade to PHP on Windows Server

Keeping your software and applications up to date is a crucial part of maintaining security and stability in your web hosting systems. Unfortunately, updating system components and back-end software can sometimes be a frustrating and a difficult process. However, thanks to Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer, upgrading PHP on a Windows server with IIS is as simple as a few clicks.

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