Author: Echo Diaz

Throughout Echo's four year stint as a technical support specialist, her passion for breaking down complex concepts had to lead to a career in professional writing. As a former top tier support specialist, she added a distinctive element to her written work that spoke to customer feedback and concerns. Echo occasionally pops her head out from behind her computer to watch her dog energetically run around the yard and unabashedly shovels money into buying tickets to see her favorite musical artists.

Install Java 8 on CentOS 7

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this tutorial, we’ll be showing you how to install Oracle’s Java 8 programming language specifically onto a CentOS 7 server. This simple object-oriented language is used for many of the applications and websites you come across today.  Let’s jump right in!

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

DragonDisk is a client for S3 compatible storage, meaning that you can connect this client to many storage services including our very own Liquid Web Object Storage solution. The scope of our article will focus on how to install and create a bucket specifically connected to our Cloud Object Storage.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Installing Drush provides a way of managing your Drupal installs using a familiar method, the command line.  Drush can simplify your life by allowing you to perform admin duties.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Whether its a hacked site or a lost password, you may find that you are locked out of your WordPress Admin control panel. If you’ve forgotten your password or don’t have access to the email address that the “Lost your password?” link sends to, you still have one more option to access it. Through the database!  WordPress’ database stores all WordPress username, encrypted passwords, and the user’s email address and thus can be edited through a database client like phpMyAdmin. In this tutorial, we’ll be showing you how to edit the email address and change your user’s password.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

You may have noticed, when transferring a website, that the URL is still stuck on the old site even though you have changed the virtual host file to reflect the new domain name. Or you may see the URL entirely greyed out in your WordPress portal. This mismatch can happen if you can’t change the URL within WordPress to reflect the new site name. In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the URL through the database.

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Install vsftpd on Ubuntu 16.04

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Installing vsftpd allows you to upload files to a server, the concept is comparable to that of Google Drive.  When you invite specified users to your Google Drive they can create, delete, upload and download files all behind a secure login. Vsftpd is excellent for company’s looking for an alternative to Google Drive or for anyone who wants to create a robust server. This “Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Daemon” is favored for its security and speed, and we’ll be showing you how to install vsftpd on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server.


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Reading Time: 3 minutes

AMP for WP -Accelerated Mobile Pages allows your site to be faster for mobile visitors. Along with last week’s report, the AMP plugin has also been added to the list exploited. The AMP for WP plugin was reported on October 20, 2018, by its developers. Luckily, the newest version,, of this plugin has patched for their known security flaws. This exploit has the means of putting 100,000+ users at potential risk, so its best to check if you are utilizing this plugin. In this tutorial, we will be checking if you use this plugin. Along with updating, we will also show you how to check if your site for compromises.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

As of November 9, 2018, the WP GDPR Compliance plugin has been exploited by hackers. This plugin aids e-commerce site owners in compliance with European privacy standards. Since the very nature of GDPR is to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens, it should be tended to as soon as possible to avoid a costly cleanup. WP GDPR Compliance is also known for working in conjunction with many forms including Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, and WordPress Comments.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is a new exploit, rated as 7.8 severity level,  that affects major Linux distributions of RedHat Enterprise Linux, Debian 8 and CentOS on both VPS servers as well as dedicated servers, called Mutagen Astronomy. Mutagen Astronomy exploits an integer overflow vulnerability in the Linux kernel and supplies root access (admin privileges) to unauthorized users on the intended server. This exploit affects Linux kernel version dating back from July 2007 to July 2017.  Living in the kernel, the memory table can be manipulated to overflow using the create_tables_elf() function. After overwhelming the server, the hacker can then overtake the server with its malicious intents.

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Liquid Web Sales and Tax FAQ

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Someone doing taxes

Why does Liquid Web charge sales tax?

Certain state and local laws require Liquid Web to collect sales taxes on applicable products and services. In February of 2017,  Liquid Web began collecting sales tax on its products/services in certain states in order to comply with these laws.

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