Meet a Helpful Human – David Singer

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We’re the employees you would hire if you could. Responsive, helpful, and dedicated in ways automation simply can’t be. We’re your team.

Each month we recognize one of our Most Helpful Humans in Hosting. 

Meet David Singer

Helpful Human David Singer Quote

Why did you join Liquid Web?

The wife and I were working at a foster care facility in Ocala, Florida when we found out my mom was in the late stages of cancer. We brought it to the attention of the administrators at the foster care facility and all agreed this family issue was a priority. They helped us pack up all of our belongings over the next week and we said our final farewells. It was truly difficult leaving them as they were a part of our lives for more than five years. When we arrived back in Michigan, we unpacked, set up with living arrangements, and made sure my mom was getting the care she needed. 

To make ends meet, I started looking for a new career. While browsing online, I saw an opening for a Linux Administrator in Lansing. I applied to Liquid Web on a whim and never expected to hear back. The next thing I knew, I was hired!

Is there something specific at Liquid Web that you just love?

Actually, there are a couple of things. I truly love all of the people I work with. They are intelligent, funny, and very motivated to provide the best possible care for our clients and each other. Also, I love learning and the training here is fabulous! 

To quote Rockhound from the movie Armageddon:

'Why do I do this? Because the money's good, the scenery changes and they let me use explosives, okay?' Well, I don't really get to use explosives but I have accidentally blown up a server or two back in the day…"

What draws you to the hosting industry as a career?

I wasn't drawn to hosting specifically, but to join a company in which I could increase my technical knowledge and experience. After interviewing with Liquid Web, I saw the level of knowledge and experience these people had and knew I wanted more. After I was hired, I started training. They patiently answered question after question and provided an encouraging and supportive environment which allowed me to develop my skills. I was able to shadow two of their most knowledgeable admins which shaped and honed my troubleshooting skills! I caught on quickly and began using the same methodologies they used which allowed me to progress quickly and earn my spot within the Linux ranks. You don’t receive that kind of personalized training anywhere.

I recently moved to the Marketing department as a technical writer which I am ecstatic about, as it gives me the opportunity to communicate my knowledge I have gained with others in a more proactive way. I have occupied multiple roles over the last 11+ years and I feel like we as a company have so much to share. In this role, I will ensure that we are passing our knowledge along to our clients. After all, the best clients are the most knowledgeable ones!

What is the biggest milestone you’ve accomplished?

I've helped establish multiple teams, including our Live Chats and Enterprise teams, as well as other initiatives during my 11+ years at Liquid Web, all in an effort to improve the way we provide the services to our clients. This has allowed me to be a better advocate for my clients, my team, my department, and my company. 

Also, I have had the pleasure of working alongside my sons at Liquid Web! As they grew, I provided technical training to them and had them apply for support positions. I set up a training wiki and went through it with them daily. I told them that no special quarter would be given; they needed to be doing it better, cleaner, and faster than every other admin in the room because they were my sons. All three of them studied hard and were hired over time, which was very rewarding for all.

What’s your favorite part about the company culture at Liquid Web?

Memes... definitely the memes. My favorite meme at the moment? 

David Singer Meme

Tell us about a truly rewarding experience you’ve had with a customer.

I have interacted with thousands of clients here at Liquid Web. I have helped them save money, helped them put food on the table to feed their families, and helped to literally save their businesses. Many clients know me by my first name and I know them and their needs in return. Having this level of intimate knowledge and involvement with them allows me to speak the truth to them, and many have come to know me and rely on that honesty, not only in regard to technical issues but also with life issues.

What is one thing you wish our customers knew about their hosting?

I am a huge fan of multiple backups! I have seen so many instances where the simple act of having a disaster recovery plan in place could have literally saved a client’s business. I have listened as clients have cried for hours with me on the phone, begging me to try and find a way to retrieve their data to prevent them from losing their business. Unfortunately, all I could do was empathize with them and try to create a better plan for moving forward. 

If you are reading this, check your backups now! Test out your disaster recovery plan before it's needed, and have a set of offsite backups. This will give you increased peace of mind and add a layer of security to protect your business.

Work aside, what are some of your hobbies?

I am an avid outdoorsman. I love being outside and feeling the sun and rain on my face while hunting, fishing, swimming, or camping. My dad always said that "nature was the Lord's first sanctuary."

What is your nickname at Liquid Web and why?

They call me... ShiftDaddy! I think it's because I am older than most people on the shift. My favorite saying: "You may wear the watch, but I know the time..."

If you could have dinner with one famous person [dead or alive] who would it be?

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni... He was truly a renaissance man in every sense of the word. I would love to have talked with him for hours, exploring his thoughts and ideas.

You can follow David on Twitter or LinkedIn.

We hope you enjoyed our series, and stay tuned for the next Most Helpful Human in Hosting profile.

Tagged with: Helpful Humans
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About the Author

Todd Terwillegar

Todd Terwillegar is the Digital Content Marketing Manager at Liquid Web. Todd runs the day-to-day operations for the Liquid Web Blog, helping emerging digital agencies and growing web businesses thrive with the latest content designed to inspire and produce more results. When not at work, Todd loves watching the latest Marvel movie or wrestling on the floor with his kids. You can follow Todd on LinkedIn.

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